We’re pretty active travelers, and when we had our first baby, things changed a bit. We didn’t stop traveling, but the way we do it now is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! At first, it was much more difficult, but now that we have practice, things are starting to become manageable. Below we’ve listed a handful of things we do when traveling with our Baby.
Use a Checklist
Each time we travel, we add to and edit our master list (in a printable Word document.) Everyone’s list is different, but having it will make sure you don’t unexpectedly forget a crucial item (or even an item that isn’t crucial but makes life with baby easier.) Double/Triple check the list before leaving.
Pack as Lightly as Possible
I know this sounds impossible. But when we travel now, we make sure that wherever we’re going has a laundry facility to help us go through a few loads. Also, when it comes to books for your child, bring the thin, light ones. Toys? Grab the light small ones. Your kid can handle doing without his/her massive block set for a little while. Plus, you’ll probably buy some new stuff on your trip.
Even though we suggest packing lightly, don’t be afraid to bring another suitcase to check at the airport so long as it isn’t a bother to travel with. Our problem has always been having far too many bags and too few hands.
Have Things Delivered
We discovered the delight of having most of our baby equipment delivered to our house rental when we traveled to Cape Code last year. That’s when we decided there was no other way. We rent a high chair and crib at least. We also have diapers delivered, which lightens your travel load quite a bit. Here on Maui, the Maui Grocery Service offers these items for rent and can also bring you diapers and all the groceries and baby food you’ll need. This makes settling in very easy, especially since they’ll stock the fridge for you.
Prepare for the Plane
Most of what we carry on the plane is purely for the baby. We bring every type of snack baby likes as well as some books, and small toys. We save our baby’s favorites for last when unveiling distractions throughout the flight. We also make sure to bring liquids that our baby likes in case breastfeeding doesn’t seem appetizing during the ascent and descent. Having a screaming baby with ears popping is no fun for anyone (we know all too well and so do a few dozen others in close proximity.)
Vitamins and Water
Stock up on Vitamins and drink loads of water before, during, and after the flight. This is crucial is keeping your immunity up. Also wash your hands constantly. We wipe down everything around us on the plane as we settle in. You may think we’re paranoid, and we’re really not normally like this. It’s just when we travel because getting sick when traveling is 1000 times worse when with a baby that’s sick (again, we know from experience.)
Research Hospitals and Clinics
It’s a good idea to know where the local hospital and some doctor clinics (that take your insurance) are around where you’ll be staying. This helps cut down stress if and when you baby gets sick or worries you with some symptom or another.
Hopefully this helps those traveling with babies! Aloha and safe travels!
The post Traveling with a Baby appeared first on Maui Goodness.